Confederate Claim shared a link.
Confederate Claim shared a link.
Today was the day when Rome came around full force besieged full forces down. The war was all started the beginning and end and to lose all the fight was to lose all the men. Today it all started the fight worth the fight the mightiest might was the...

Confederate Claim shared a link.
I need to accomplish a passive passivation from here to my belonging of belongings. I belong in the realm of realmatic with closure with the people of my stanture. For you to be here and torment me is a given natural...
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Confederate Claim shared a link.
If you fonder the memories of familiarity you will under diagnose the procedural procedure of procederance....

Confederate Claim shared a link.
How many people did you expect to expect the unexpected when the unexpected was what was actually what to expect. If you had expected the unexpected you still wouldn't have ever known what was to come because the unexpected was so unexpected you couldn't have ever expected it.

Confederate Claim shared a link.
Time is the tell tale physics model that allows the distance between to linear points. To tell time is there and does infact exist you must witness the distance between any two points change.If anything changes then time has been a factor. To change time...
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Confederate Claim shared a link.
Don't expect the delay of the inevitable to be benounced for certain things can and can't happen. One of the things that can't happen is a positive prospective to come to fruitation with out a guide in which it is to be....

Confederate Claim shared a link.
If you sequester the amount of people who would look to other people for the answer you would understand that there is a single person who would never look to others for the answer to anything. He would look to himself for all the answers to all of everything he wants to know. If you see this person…

Confederate Claim shared a link.
Anything that can happen happens because an element of completion that has taken place to bring about the elements complete corvoidance with the realm it resides. Once the fraction of completion is brought into existence and placed in the proper place the fraction brings about the life of something…

Confederate Claim shared a link.
War is a dependence fortitude of the political whim of those in need of a restructring of the realm in which they reside. If they feel they have gone far enough down the road of contenation that they have no other oppurtunity other than to fight then war is a neccessary mandate. If you decide to go…
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Confederate Claim shared a link.
The place is a place of resignation when all sides resigned to become a place of alternative forebearance. This is the place we need to be. No more fighting no more quarling over who's in charge. There has to be one supreme ruler. For this to happen there has to be one person who can steer the other…

Confederate Claim shared a link.
There won't be a moment that I can recall that will bring this period of anxiety to a final end. The truth is that the further along I go the longer it seems I have to wait. Eventually I know it's coming but time is completely at a stand still.

Confederate Claim shared a link.
They will wonder who I am longer after I'm gone but the legend will live on. They will speak of me and ask the person was this person. For he is the person who was the person who was the person. Long live the legend. Long live the forever tale of the one peron who would conquer all and be the one un…

Confederate Claim shared a link.
I don't claim to be the irredescent immaculation of the person bonafide to lead the world but I know I can do better than the current regimes. They have done a very poor job at solving the problems of the people. They seemed to be more worried about protecting their own power from diminishing than t…
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Confederate Claim shared a link.
There will be a time when the game is over. There can be only one winner. If you have the wish to want to be the one then you have to understand that the players you are playing against have a high score that has never been beaten. That doesn't detour me. I have risen from the ashes to the realm of…

Confederate Claim shared a link.
I look forward to seeing the possibilities of the ocurance of all there is to see. Many secrets have been kept that will be unearthed. Eventually they wil all be revealed. I listen to the sound of possibilities. A possibility sounds...

Confederate Claim shared a link.
Don't ever let the game become anything other than a game. We where put here for a purpose and that purpose was the game. This why where here and there is no other reason. Have fun with it enjoy it and don't ever question the motive. Anybody who...

Confederate Claim shared a link.
They knew the where, what and the who they just didn't know the how. Eventually the how will be revealed to them. They will marvel at my magnificance for a very long time. Don't gander to long at the inevatible for the past is the past and the future is cut in stone.
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Confederate Claim shared a link.
If you want to hear the replacement plan for the plan in place ask me cause I have a plan that replaces the plan they have. Their plan is a plan the represses and depresses the masses while my plan brings the masses to lives of peace and prosperity. They have no solution other than people acting the…

Confederate Claim shared a link.
Real life is a myth of fortitude. There is no solice and no safety. Let yourself be yourself have strength and expect to die.

Confederate Claim shared a link.
There will be a time in the presence of the world of the people who will worship the presence of the person with in which he is that person. If you know who this person is you will remember that the person was the person for which he was for he is the person for which he is unbenounced to the many b…

Confederate Claim shared a link.
There will be a time in the presence of the world of the people who will worship the presence of the person with in which he is that person. If you know who this person is you will remember that the person was the person for which he was for he is the person for which he is unbenounced to the many b…
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Confederate Claim shared a link.
Real life is a myth of fortitude. There is no solice and no safety. Let yourself be yourself have strength and expect to die.

Confederate Claim shared a link.
If you want to hear the replacement plan for the plan in place ask me cause I have a plan that replaces the plan they have. Their plan is a plan the represses and depresses the masses while my plan brings the masses to lives of peace and prosperity. They have no solution other than people acting the…

Confederate Claim shared a link.
They knew the where, what and the who they just didn't know the how. Eventually the how will be revealed to them. They will marvel at my magnificance for a very long time. Don't gander to long at the inevatible for the past is the past and the future is cut in stone.

Confederate Claim shared a link.
Don't ever let the game become anything other than a game. We where put here for a purpose and that purpose was the game. This why where here and there is no other reason. Have fun with it enjoy it and don't ever question the motive. Anybody who...
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Confederate Claim shared a link.
I look forward to seeing the possibilities of the ocurance of all there is to see. Many secrets have been kept that will be unearthed. Eventually they wil all be revealed. I listen to the sound of possibilities. A possibility sounds...

Confederate Claim shared a link.
There will be a time when the game is over. There can be only one winner. If you have the wish to want to be the one then you have to understand that the players you are playing against have a high score that has never been beaten. That doesn't detour me. I have risen from the ashes to the realm of…

Confederate Claim shared a link.
I don't claim to be the irredescent immaculation of the person bonafide to lead the world but I know I can do better than the current regimes. They have done a very poor job at solving the problems of the people. They seemed to be more worried about protecting their own power from diminishing than t…

Confederate Claim shared a link.
They will wonder who I am longer after I'm gone but the legend will live on. They will speak of me and ask the person was this person. For he is the person who was the person who was the person. Long live the legend. Long live the forever tale of the one peron who would conquer all and be the one un…
News Feed

Confederate Claim shared a link.
There won't be a moment that I can recall that will bring this period of anxiety to a final end. The truth is that the further along I go the longer it seems I have to wait. Eventually I know it's coming but time is completely at a stand still.

Confederate Claim shared a link.
The place is a place of resignation when all sides resigned to become a place of alternative forebearance. This is the place we need to be. No more fighting no more quarling over who's in charge. There has to be one supreme ruler. For this to happen there has to be one person who can steer the other…

Confederate Claim shared a link.
War is a dependence fortitude of the political whim of those in need of a restructring of the realm in which they reside. If they feel they have gone far enough down the road of contenation that they have no other oppurtunity other than to fight then war is a neccessary mandate. If you decide to go…

Confederate Claim shared a link.
Anything that can happen happens because an element of completion that has taken place to bring about the elements complete corvoidance with the realm it resides. Once the fraction of completion is brought into existence and placed in the proper place the fraction brings about the life of something…
News Feed

Confederate Claim shared a link.
If you sequester the amount of people who would look to other people for the answer you would understand that there is a single person who would never look to others for the answer to anything. He would look to himself for all the answers to all of everything he wants to know. If you see this person…
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