anything happens there has to be a reason. In order for it to happen
there has to be an element of exasperation that conforms the elements of
composital composite. If you think about the realm you would realize
there is nothing conforming to our liking at this particular moment. We
need to change some things by exasperated exsperations. Aclove is an
exasperated aspectial exesperation that will bring about this change. Do
something apparantly apparant and exhauset all resources then you will
soon find that all resources cannot be exhausted due to the realm in
which we live not allowing the exhaustion.

you fonder the memories of familiarity you will under diagnose the
procedural procedure of procederance. To look into the past is a further
whimsical approach of actuality that will never suffice the actual time
in which we reside. Live in the present and prosper the notion of the
future. Bring with the notion that in the future all can and will
besiege a better quality of qualitative advancements than have taken
place in the past. To do so you will soon realize that the notion of
quality is odsuffice as the past. Nothing can and will change without an
adjustment of prosperous prosper. Nothing there can be given taken or
procured without the sentance of sentenialice of procedure. Procede with
caution. The future is there but can be managed only to a degree. Until
further notice the placekment of procedural procedure will proceed us
then all hell will break loose. Be neither here nor there for if found
the you will procure their own jurisdiction in advancement of your own
demise. Through conquering and reconqueirng they have the asslant
asslance of maneuver that can and will come forth in a timely fashion of
a notion of procurement as to remain in the stealthyness of stealth as
to be expected. I can and will look forward to the herrowing
adbvancement due to the actuality that they can and will only advance so
don't look like I want to exceed the perfect placement of places in the
place of plactatude but I'm a true person of performance who can
perform the plausible placement of people in the realm. They need to be
placed within their jurisdiction of prosperity and vast greatness of
actual actuality. The place of the Gods and the Pharaohs. The place
these people reside is far beneath their standards and need to be lifted
to a heightened height of aplattitudinal altitude that has never before
been seen. For now we wait but when the time comes things will manifest
themselves to the position of extreme naturality of naturalness that
will out enhance anything their ever was ever. If you can't stand the
wait your one of the many but time is a submit-tale occurrence that is
an absolute absolutal rectified rectification that can't be configured.

is the tell tale physics model that allows the distance between to
linear points. To tell time is there and does infact exist you must
witness the distance between any two points change.If anything changes
then time has been a factor. To change time without the physical world
is impossible because if nothing changes time can not exist. If I
changed time to a quicker pace the physical world would not allow it
because time set on a scale like ours is already based on the amount the
physical world can react. It is a concrete absolute fundamental that
can not vary.If you traveled at the speed of light everything around you
would slow cause you are moving at a constant pace with time. Therefore
it would seem that less time would pass in actuality you have kept pace
with time so everything around you has slowed where as you have
actually sped up. The cause of time is based on the fact that to allow
something to coexist their has to be some kind of reaction. Therefore
time is an absolute must and must exist in every realm throughout the
universe. Time and gravity relate by gravity allowing time to basically
set its fundamental properties. Everything within gravity works at a
certain time within a certain time.
To travel at the speed of light
one must become a particle at which one could travel at such a speed.
Traveling at the speed of light in our present state will not be
possible. Warping the space between two distances is a phenomenon that
is possible however crossing from one warped location to another is not
possible due to the fact that if you where in a warped area of space you
two would become warped.I don't believe it will ever be possible for
humans to physically travel outside of our solar system due to the fact
that it is much to great a distance. However I do believe that they will
be able to communicate with other civilizations in other solar systems
through light speed communications. I do in fact believe that the speed
of light or there around is the speed mit which all matter can achieve.
It will not be possible to travel faster.
many people did you expect to expect the unexpected when the unexpected
was what was actually what to expect. If you had expected the
unexpected you still wouldn't have ever known what was to come because
the unexpected was so unexpected you couldn't have ever expected it.

will be a manifestation of the realm in which we live when the world
will become a more positive place to reside. When the world does
manifest itself people will look to the person in charge and wonder why
he has come into power. There will be only one explanation. There was a
ruler of facets whom could look to the universe and see the realm for
what it was. A place of deliberate decadence that was brought forth by a
being of superior intelligence. In order for that realm to have a
continual renewal of corvoidance in which it can be controlled there has
to be an element of manipulation. This element can bring about the most
evolutionary facets of distinguishable difference from even the norm in
which we live. Once the element has been completely manipulated to
bring forth a new provision, then the world in which we know will alter
to the point of preponderance of persuasion of the person who has set
forth the dialogue of distinguishable differences, that will evidently
make the mark of the seclusion, from which we all have come to now as
the normal normality, we have come to expect. Once this happens we will
all see the governance of governance under his control. This is to be a
new proponent that will be welcome by some and resented by others. Those
who resent this have their reasons as do those who look to the changes
as a positive. The way you view the undeniable decadence of the new
order of control will depend on your own personal placement of diligence
in which you where or are placed.
expect the delay of the inevitable to be benounced for certain things
can and can't happen. One of the things that can't happen is a positive
prospective to come to fruitation with out a guide in which it is to be.
You can change the world with a few different dilapatatudes but there
is always going to be those certainties which you can't change. Time is
one of those.

don't expect to expect the realm of reality is a realm of reality.
There has to be something binding everything that's everything together.
I expect that to be a plausible contemplation of something that I could
never contemplate due to the fact that is beyond my aptitude to
comprehend. I do have an understanding to be certain that is a
compilation of the way in which the world in which we live tends to work
and with this understanding I can understand the the vector of the
summarization of this realm is something like a computer simulation that
can or can't be manipulated to a degree of certainty that can only be
progressed over time with a correspondence of the factor in which time
was a day that started off on accord of all the rest. I woke up in
turmoil and expected a vector of completion but I found myself right
where I was, waiting for something to come to fruitation. Eventually
everything has to come to be the way it was planned. If things do
perfectly perplex to the status of completion then all will manifest to
my liking.
you sequester the amount of people who would look to other people for
the answer you would understand that there is a single person who would
never look to others for the answer to anything. He would look to
himself for all the answers to all of everything he wants to know. If
you see this person then you will know this person is a person of power
and complete control.

that can happen happens because an element of completion that has taken
place to bring about the elements complete corvoidance with the realm
it resides. Once the fraction of completion is brought into existence
and placed in the proper place the fraction brings about the life of
something that has to come into effect that will bring in a corvoidance
with the realm of all that has happened
including the effect in which all is real and has come to be. Once the
fraction joins the other fractions you have a completion and that
completion is the effect of fraction of factions coming into place.
Those factions are the world in which we see and the events that take
place. In order for us to manipulate those factions we have to either
add something or take something away. The same thing that has to occur
for any change to take place any where in the universe. If the change
that takes place is favorable for you to accept then you may want to
leave that faction the way it is. If the change is unfavorable you may
want to add something or take something away.
is a dependence fortitude of the political whim of those in need of a
restructring of the realm in which they reside. If they feel they have
gone far enough down the road of contenation that they have no other
oppurtunity other than to fight then war is a neccessary mandate. If you
decide to go through war and battle the enemy then you need to have a
reasonable out come of sucess in mind. Your gains should be great and
your casualties manageable. If you feel you can't manage the casualties
of your withstanding then you should reconsider this possibile scenario
but in a war fought on the gounds of desperation their can be no loss
considered to great to withstand.
want to try to understand stupid? Well then you have to become stupid
cause the only thing that is stupidier than a stupid person is th dumb
ass that trys to make sense of their stupidty.
you want to know the reason for a true romance you have to look at the
person who loves you. If they seem like an absolute perfect match for
you it's a true romance. If they seem a little bit diffrent you are some
what compatible. If you can't stand them you have absolutely nothing in

war is a clamity but to bring it is to seek a contendation that
wouldn't ever suffice unless there was an outcome of fortitude. If the
outcome is less than gratifying which it usually is then the war itself
had no positive survitude unless graciously determined the outcome of
the winner that all is to prosper in prosperity of abundance that
wouldn't ever upset either winners nor losers. That is why all wars are
fought to the death or the unconditional surrender of at least one of
the participating parties. There will be no conclusion of surrender
unless there is a complete abidence of the winners terms. If you wish to
war with people you have to understand that this is the outcome that
will most likely occur. When I war with an opponant I don't have to kill
you as much as I have to persuade you to give up your fight and let
myself make the commandments of which to honor. If those commandments
aren't honered then we will continue to battle until you have either
taken my commandments as law or you are to kill me. I myself won't ever
surrender due to the fact to follow the laws of others only brings me to
a place of condemnation and immotional turmoil that I myself can't
stand to bear. Those that say this is pig headed or stubborn have only
to understand that if you give in to the terms of others you will
forever be subject to any future terms they wish to incorporate. This is
the type of open ended agreement you make whenever you agree to abide
by the laws of a party who doesn't always have your best interest in
mind. This is usally realized to late by a surrendering proponet and
they often wish they had to continued to fight for the terms of
surrender are always modified to suit the wants and needs of the winner.
If you find yourself on the losing end of a battle don't ever surrender
without making sure that the terms are guaranteed if you can do so but
how to guarantee them is the question. If you get a guarantee then you
need to take some insurance that they stick to their word. This is
always and ever completely impossible in a world in which you have
nothing to offer and they have nothing to lose. I you want my opinion
then the world will continue to be what it is and has always been. A
world where the powerful rule for as long as they can, take what they
want and continue to pacify the losers with as what little they can.
Never underestimate the greed and the lust for power of the ruling
party. For as long as they can they will triumph with such vast
greatness that people will forever realize that they and they alone
where the ruling party. If you happen to become the ruling party through
dilligence and forthcoming advancements don't hesitate to take what is
yours for it belongs to you for your strength your courage and your
bravery. If you should be a losing party don't hesitate to realize you
lost. Take what is given to you and ask for nothing.
place is a place of resignation when all sides resigned to become a
place of alternative forebearance. This is the place we need to be. No
more fighting no more quarling over who's in charge. There has to be one
supreme ruler. For this to happen there has to be one person who can
steer the others in a single direction.
won't be a moment that I can recall that will bring this period of
anxiety to a final end. The truth is that the further along I go the
longer it seems I have to wait. Eventually I know it's coming but time
is completely at a stand still.
will wonder who I am longer after I'm gone but the legend will live on.
They will speak of me and ask the person was this person. For he is the
person who was the person who was the person. Long live the legend.
Long live the forever tale of the one peron who would conquer all and be
the one undisputed ruler in all of history. The story will live forever
but the man could only live his life as short as that was he definately
made his mark. Threaten him if you wish for all will come to know him
as their ruler. For the good and the bad their is nobody who could tell
him how to live. His life was completely his own to do entirly as he
wished. Lets hope he makes some good decisions.

you want to understand the true meaning of life you have to look to the
story of Judah and Jesus. Judah was a baptist and Jesus was a jew.
Jesus looked at Judah and said how about you baptise me. Judah looked at
Jesus and said "for what reason?" Jesus replied back "So I can
understand you and your customs." Judah baptised Jesus and said "you are
now one of us." Jesus said "thank you Judah but you have always been
one of my people and always will be." Judah replied "but I'm not a jew"
and Jesus replied "you be anybody you wish to be, Judah and remain in
the house of the Lord for all your days". and so he did with his people
and their people and all people who would do Gods will. Judah wa
suprised at Jesus when Jesus said this and he said "why would you want
me" and Jesus said "because a friend of my fathers is a friend of mine"
and Judah said "but I don't know your Father" and Jesus said "of course
you do" and Judah said "but I have never met him and Jesus said you have
Judah you just don't remember". "Where can I find him?" asked Judah and
Jesus said "he is among us" and Judah looked around and said "which
one? and Jesus replied "well all of them for they where all created in
the image of my father." "In what way?" asked Judah. "In very very many
ways" said Jesus. "I see" said Judah. "So your father looked like us?"
"He looked diffrent but he felt the same way as all the people feel."
"With love in his heart for each and every person on the earth." "Even
the bad? said Judah. "Yes even them" replied Jesus. "Why?" asked Judah.
"Because they no not the error of their ways." "Then we shall tell them"
said Judah. "and so we shall" replied Jesus and to this day they are
trying to instruct. God bless them and their lofty goals to bring peace
on earth and good will towards men. For it is with their guidance that
we set forth on a journey that nobody on earth really understands but in
their eyes their can be no wrong only the people of the Lord to share
with us their lives and stories as we travel throughout our own.
don't claim to be the irredescent immaculation of the person bonafide
to lead the world but I know I can do better than the current regimes.
They have done a very poor job at solving the problems of the people.
They seemed to be more worried about protecting their own power from
diminishing than they do about empowering the people. Don't trust them
for if they ever speak it is to condemn the opposition and to try to
explain their own motives for their own benefit.
will be a time when the game is over. There can be only one winner. If
you have the wish to want to be the one then you have to understand that
the players you are playing against have a high score that has never
been beaten. That doesn't detour me. I have risen from the ashes to the
realm of a god. I don't think theres anything that can stop me now.

look forward to seeing the possibilities of the ocurance of all there
is to see. Many secrets have been kept that will be unearthed.
Eventually they wil all be revealed. I listen to the sound of
possibilities. A possibility sounds something like a diverse assortment
of diffrent things. The noise things make brings me to a place of
enjoyment and takes me back to a time when things seemed much more cut
and dry. Today things seem much more complicated and confusing.The
sounds of things from my childhood can make me feel like things have
regressed back to the time of ease of thought and less chaotic beliefs
of the world and it's current state. To forget all that I have learned
would bring me to a state of simplistic existance but alas my knowledge
is permanent and will reamin for all of my days. To forget would bring
bliss but also an ignorance of extremeity that could only cause
bewilderment. To be bewildered is to be confused or uncertain and this
is best to be avoided. If you wish to avoid confusion look for the
answers to all that leaves you with a curiosity of appeal and a question
of complexity. There is no way you could ever solve all thee agonizing
questions that plague your own mind. This alone can bring extreme mental
unrest and will cause some people to constantly search for the answers
throughout their entire life.
night is a state of peace and tranquality. There is no movement other
than my own. I write to explain the nights significance. Tonight we
could have all been saved from our burdens and lifted up to our
desireful pletaeus whatever those may be. But there is something holding
us back and I can't try to explain to you what I think that is.
Everybody has to think for themself and decide their own obstacles they
have to over come.

ever let the game become anything other than a game. We where put here
for a purpose and that purpose was the game. This why where here and
there is no other reason. Have fun with it enjoy it and don't ever
question the motive. Anybody who feels different will look back at this
and realize they took it and themselves much to seriously. Live, love
and give back but don't give to much of yourself that you feel you have
lost who you are. The purpose is to belong in a community and not to let
the community belong to you but to expect the others will define their
own purpose. Don't tell them who they are and don't let them explain
themselves to the point they are over explaining. Just accept everybody
for their own personal beliefs. I wish the best to all of you and I hope
things turn out to be great in the end as I know they will. If you look
to the horizon be one with the world and don't let yourself be consumed
by the hatred of insecurities that plague even the most confident
people. We all have our faults and our weaknesses. Mine is that I can't
see the good in some of the people who rule the earth but I know they
have to have some kind of a righteous purpose other than their own egos
for their actions. Anyways we can only hope. I know that when I look at
life as the beginning of the journey I have to look at the rest of the
world and say some have to believe this is the end.
knew the where, what and the who they just didn't know the how.
Eventually the how will be revealed to them. They will marvel at my
magnificance for a very long time. Don't gander to long at the
inevatible for the past is the past and the future is cut in stone.
you want to hear the replacement plan for the plan in place ask me
cause I have a plan that replaces the plan they have. Their plan is a
plan the represses and depresses the masses while my plan brings the
masses to lives of peace and prosperity. They have no solution other
than people acting the way they act. This is a poor excuse for a
Real life is a myth of fortitude. There is no solice and no safety. Let yourself be yourself have strength and expect to die.
will be a time in the presence of the world of the people who will
worship the presence of the person with in which he is that person. If
you know who this person is you will remember that the person was the
person for which he was for he is the person for which he is unbenounced
to the many but foretold in the wizardry of the world. Forgive him for
his triumphs but remember it is those that which to repress the masses
that has brought about this manifestation. All will wonder but those who
do, should consider the alternative for which it is a place of
unhappiness and extreme unrest.
ever question the question of others. When people question people they
always have a reason but those reasons are often disguised. To determine
the reason for the question you must look to the foredrawn conclusion.
Once discovered you can concurrently concide that the conclusion will
bring them to an edulgement of enlightenment. Once you grasp what they
will determine from your answer you can predict their motive and
persuade them in their beliefs as to your own forlong forensic approach
into their inquiries.
will be a future of a place where people figure the future is a random
set of events to be controlled by the people who control such events. If
you control such events that they look to you for the answers then
beware the answers will be answered by somebody with the answers. If you
have the answer to who this may be then you may have a future of
prosperity and greatness. If you don't have the answer then at some
later time the answer will be provided to you providing the answer is
answered by the person who has all the answers.
ever question the complete magnitude of servitude of several of the
jurisdictions of compliant compliance. They have the right to do
anything they wish but if they wish to do something they have to ask for
the right to do so. If that right is denied they won't act out their
desires for fear of retalation of the extreme higher being whoever that
may be. In this retrospect the world is all being controled by one
authoritive power. The power of prowess doesn't claim to be who they are
for fear of retalation of the masses. They remain hidden due to the
extreme defiance of some of the realm to their authoritive power. There
are those that try to fight them but they don't have the might to
overthrow such extreme forces of power. This usually results in th
weaker powers being swiftly demolished. To this day they will claim to
be a dorment fraction of the government of the world when in all
actuality they remain in complete control. To end this reighn of power
by these forces there will have to be a person or persons who know who
they are and I expect that they have in fact told noone who they might
be. Several suspect I am sure but knowone has definitive proof. This
lack of certainty is their number one method of defense. It's hard to
fight an unknown foe. As for their motivation I would suspect it is the
same motivation that any ruler would have. To live long and prosper in
the greatest of wealth triumph and prosperity. They have no struggles no
trials no tribulations and don't ever want for a person place or thing
for all of the earth is at there disposal. As for their family and
friends they will dominate the earth as the rulers and kings that take
what they want and live the life of plenty. As for their reighn their
days are numbered their time of complete conquest is soon to be over and
the world will look to a new leader to guide them through the times of
crises and critical turmoil that is sure to follow throughout the years
of restructure of the earth and it's resources. If you have something of
great importance to you I suggest that you place it in a place that
only you would know of and come back for it when it is over. There will
be no time for material items and things to be gathered as you move from
your place of residence to your new home which will be amongst the
others who you have known throughout your life. No one will be hurt and
no one wil be killed or imprisoned but your leader will demand complete
compliance from each and every person on earth.

didn't ever feel dismissive about my life but there where times when I
could dismiss things for reasons I never even knew. If there is
something you don't care about that you should you can't condemn
yourself for not caring. Somethings matter and some things don't at
least to some people. If you want to understand why that is you would
have to understand the persons persona. My own persona is one of
pertenential beliefs, The belief that all things good and bad can happen
for any reason. If bad things happen you have to let it go. Don't dwell
upon it. That will make you unhappy. You have to look at it dismiss it
and move on. The past is the past and the future is certainly to have
more of the good and the bad in store be ready but don't over indulge in
the future either. The best thing to do is live in the present at the
moment of consciousness concious, where your mind is physically and
physiologicaly. Becoming to involved with cognotive thought will over
illuminate a diffrent part of your life that you can' t even be at at
the particualr time. Why go there. Stay within your realm and do
whatever makes you happiest at the particular moment. Whatever that may
be. People who do always look to the future or dwell on the past go
through life in momentary cognocios and don't really interact as much
with the world around them. Don't be one of these people. Try to take in
your surroundings as much as you can for the things that surround you
are what matter in a manner of speaking. If your unhappy with your
surroundings ask yourself why that is and move to a new location. If
your having problems relocating yourself ask yourself why that is. If
there is a reason ask yourself whats the reason for the reason. If there
is a reason beyond your control learn to accept that. If there is a
reason you can manage manage it to the best of your ability. Don't look
back and don't live with regrets. The better you feel about yourself the
better off you will be. Don't let others influence your opinion of
yourself. Your own view is the only view that matters. As long as you
feel you are a person that meets your expectations then others have to
accpet you for who you are. Believe it or not your are exactly who you
are suppose to be.
don't listen to the voices of authority but I know they have to listen
to mine. If they claim they don't hear me I know they are lying. They
are hanging on my every single word.
you look for the future to come around and be a place of fortitude and
prosperity you have to look at how this is gonna happen. If you feel
like I do you will discover the plan is a plan of substantial gain but
is to be manipulated by the person who has the plan. To manipulate a
plan is to look at the plan and render the the plan a plan of robust
outwardly development that you and you alone can administer. When you
administer your plan you have to be entirely sure that your plan can't
be thwarted by any opposing opposition. You have to look at the
opposition and plan that they will plan to stop your advancements to the
best of their ability. Thus a plan that is going to be administered has
to have a plan of conditionality if and any event should occur.

was a place in time that time stopped looked and progressed. They would
say well how could that happen but I know it did. How did time look at
itself? It looked by imagining the concoction of dillusion and what has
been dilluded. In order to have a dillusion of time you have to have a
paradox of the norm. A paradox is created when two things can be
distingushly happening at diffent locations but at the same time. It is a
place where the road divides it self and either path can lead to
diffrent places in time. This is how the universe works. Make one
decision it sets off a change in events that lead to one point in time,
make a diffrent decision it will lead you someplace diffrent in time. By
looking at these locations one can confidently say that you will end up
in either location depending on your decesion. Once you have travelled
to your destination another decision will present itself to you further
progressing you forward and so on and so on. In order for time to stop
you have to make no decisions and sit in one place with absolutely
nothing happening. As impossible as this seems it could happen if all
the world was to come to an end. If the world comes to an end and all
life has ceased to exist time has in all retrospect come to a halt. When
this happens time will look at itself and have to make a decision of
it's own. This decision will be to resume it's existence and recreate
another space time continium that will support life or whether to remain
irrelevant. I doubt time will want to remain irrelevant so time will
look at itself and recreate another world in which time can control the
events which will take place. In order for time to do this time will
have to change the events in time by adding something somehow to the
realm in which it controls. The one thing time needs to set forth a new
beginning is the one thing time needed in the past. The only thing
needed is a beginning and an end. To begin time will add to the realm a
start of life. A simple seed a molecule that will progress and evolve
beyond the greatest imagination of even the greatest minds to ever
exist. To have an end time only needs something to bring to an end the
existance of all the seeds that have been set forth by the one seed time
introduced. But why would time do this? The reason is beyond the
understanding of the minds of this realm and we will likely never know
the reason. All we can do is accept that this is time and time is beyond
the comparison of anything we have ever imagined. To understand time
you have to understand the actual creation of all which is known to man
and for that to happen you would have to become a billion times smarter
than we already are. To become a billion times smarter we would have to
recreate our own brains to the point of all the brain power and all the
computer power ever known to man and although this seems possible I
highly doubt that it is. The reason I don't think it's possible is
because the laws of the universe won't allow it due to the fact that if
you ever where to get that smart you would be smarter than even the
being who created the realm in which we live.
listen to the sound of possibilities. A possibility sounds something
like a diverse assortment of different things. The noise things make
brings me to a place of enjoyment and takes me back to a time when
things seemed much more cut and dry. Today things seem much more
complicated and confusing.The sounds of things from my childhood can
make me feel like things have regressed back to the time of ease of
thought and less chaotic beliefs of the world and it's current state. To
forget all that I have learned would bring me to a state of simplistic
existence but alas my knowledge is permanent and will remain for all of
my days. To forget would bring bliss but also an ignorance of extremity
that could only cause bewilderment. To be bewildered is to be confused
or uncertain and this is best to be avoided. If you wish to avoid
confusion look for the answers to all that leaves you with a curiosity
of appeal and a question of complexity. There is no way you could ever
solve all thee agonizing questions that plague your own mind. This alone
can bring extreme mental unrest and will cause some people to
constantly search for the answers throughout their entire life.
wasn't any chance of survival. Death was imminant and I was looking at
the for front of a new beginning. Excitement coursed through my mind and
I felt rejuvinated with a vigor I hadn't felt in all of my years. As I
passed through the realm of the living to the realm of the deceased I
realized I was still alive. There was something there but it wasn't the
world I was used to. I looked upon the new world as if it was going to
be something that would last but it was not to be. Everything went black
and then there was a bright light. I awoke in a place that was
unrecognizable. There where beings there but they weren't human. I soon
realized I was one of them. I had taken on a new cellestial body and a
new persona. I know longer even felt like myself. I knew who I was but I
didn't even think the same. My thoughts came diffrently but they where
still understandable. It wasn't a new language that made them seem
foreighn but it was the fact that I would think them at all. In my
former life I never thought like this and I had completely diffrent
feelings about those thoughts. What was this and what had I become. A
new persona a new body and an entirely new life. I couldn't wait to get
started to see what adventures would be bestowed upon me throughout.
despair cause everything that happens happens for a reason. If you look
at life as a place of time and a series of events you will realize that
through time events have to happen. There is no person who doesn't have
events good and bad throughout their life. If you look at somebody who
always seems happy and wonder how it is that they seem to have such a
wonderful life I would look at all the events taking place in their life
and wonder how it is these events have transpired. You will come to the
realization that nobody has the perfect sequence of events throughout
their life but some people can handle things on different levels. I
think people who mange best are the ones that seem indifferent to the
events that have transpired. Taking an unattached view of your world and
things around you seems to be the most effective way for staying happy.
was a place in time when the truth was present. That time has passed
and the time for the truth to become present again is upon us. No more
waiting. People wonder the real reason for everything in reality to have
come to the point it is at. The truth is that the need for all that is
here to be the way it is has been a lie. There is no need for the world
to be the way it is but people don't realize cause they can't see the
world for what it is. The world has become a cold dark place where only
the strong live in prosperity. They look to the weak as if it is there
own fault for there short comings. They point the finger and lie about
the reasons the poor and weak have so little. They act like their
success has been earned by hard work and shear determination. This all
is a lie. They have taken the resources of the earth and put claim to
all that it bears. If you ask for resources they insist that they can't
allow you to have the resources cause they haven't been earned. The
earth resources aren't for the minority of the people of the world to
own and dole out as they seem fit the earth belongs to everybody and all
the people should have an equal share. If you tell this to the people
who live in abundance they will lie. They would say this can never
happen or it just wouldn't work. They say this because they aren't
willing to give up their own wealth even though their is plenty to go
around. I hope eventually they look at themselves for who they are for
they are greedy and very selfish. It pains me to say this but we have
been duped by the world governments and the lies they have told us. They
favor the wealthy and the minority why they lie and say they are for
the majority of the people. I'm sorry but this is a very sad occurrence.
I hope you find it in your heart to forgive them as I will. I can
forgive almost anything but I can only forgive them after they have paid
their penance and repent.
I come to the same conclusion. The harder you try the faster you die.
The faster you die the sooner you go and when you look back at life
you'll wander the road that you took and wonder the why as to why you
went the way that you did. As I wander the road I look forward with
anticipation and look back with remorse. Never again the same mistakes
will I make is always in my mind and all the
time in my mind I look to the future. As I make the past the distant
past and and struggle to make the future the destination I want it to
be. My struggles are real but they seem pointless for in the end the
destination is always the same. As it grows nearer I wonder what the
final destination will be. How long will it be before I reach it and
what consequences will be bestowed upon me for the life that I've lead.

was the damned of them all, the verdict was in I had but only myself
now to blame. I felt from the heart that the trip was all through I had
lost the one fight I couldn't dam lose. I'm the damned of the damned I
new from the past that this time the penalty would be life long and
lasting, probably longer than any of you could ever imagine. I have
imagined the worst but I knew even that was never gonna compare what was
gonna dam happen. I was subject to pain and the truth was it was more
probable pain than any man felt. When I felt that pain I fought the urge
to give in to temptation. I had to hold in that one thing that kept me
alive the secret of the world and everything hidden. I felt the tearing
of skin the burning of fire but I knew if I ever damn let it go now then
I had lost the battle of battles. I had to hold out as long as I could
and I held out forever or as long as I should. I died with my secret
even now then to die with this secret meant excruciating damn pain. I'm
stronger than them I held back the truth and there wasn't' anything now
or then they could do. What was the secret well you'll never dam know
cause I don't think I would ever tell any of you. Not that I couldn't
but I wouldn't because it's my secret and it protects all that I own and
if you ever get it believe me you won't. The secret has to be earned
and you fail the test to have a secret like this you have to confess and
you never would. You would hold it all in until the day that you die
you have your own secrets you cover with lies. If that secret comes out
I know what you would do you would look at each other and wonder the
who and the what and the why but the truth is it's you, you where part
of it too and if you ever admit that you would have to admit you have
only yourself to blame for the state we're all in.
feel today I made a personal gain. I rose from the ashes and became one
with the others. We fought to our deaths and when it was over I looked
back at it all and knew there was no way I could ever do it again. The
time had passed for regrets and I myself had none. The short trip
between the two lives was brief and unpleasant. I was here now in my new
world with new people and I can't say it was any different. Everything
seemed to be the same as before, the only difference being me.
could have been better. In order to form a more perfect union I did
what I had to do. For those who don't understand I'm sorry. I never
meant to hurt you. There will come a time when all those created equal
have dispelled the notion that some of us are better than the rest until
that happens I have taken matters into my own hands.When the world
changes there will be a split and those who are divided at the tops and
the bottoms by the other half will wonder what has happened. It is a
perfectly logical occurrence with the meek at the top and the once
strong at the bottom. The exact opposite the world is now. If you feel
like you have been struggling and not making ends meet congratulations
that struggle will soon be over. If you are at the top of the world now
looking down at the rest of the world your treachery is about to begin.
In my mind this treachery is well deserved and you should understand the
have said this before and I will say it again. To be denounced is to be
ridiculed by a person for that persons own well being or social
stature. I have been denounced many times but to stand for such in
justice will never suffice. I have ridiculed many and to this day to my
own personal dismay I have seen the turmoil it will cause another. To
brainwash a person against another person is a social injustice and
should never be tolerated. Throughout history it has shown to many times
bring cruelty and injustice to a social class of people. I will not
tolerate or should yourselves or others. To disrespect me should be to
die, among the living you no longer belong because you have become
something that will breed and spread to the minds of others. Do not wish
to harm me by defamation thou will not tolerate this as I swear to
punish those who cause me damages. As I personally abide by my own rules
and wish you no harm but will respect your self image as you will
respect mine.

found myself far from where it began. I looked back to the beginning to
see how far I had come. It was a long walk back to where I had started
from. To turn back now was a ridiculous thought. The longer I walked the
more my legs hurt. I started ahead again on a brisk pace and new that
the further I went the faster it'd go. I had heard that along my way
many times. I'm not sure if I even truly believed it. Did it go faster,
and if so how was that possible? I would have to see for myself when I
get there I guessed. To have come this far was a testament to my own
resolve at least I knew that much. Many times I had wanted to quit. I
wouldn't have come this far but it was just to much despair inside of me
if I had to go back to my humble beginnings. I had accomplished so much
as if that really mattered. What did matter was the place I had started
was as uncomfortable as uncomfortable could be and I could bear the
uncomfortableness no longer. I had to move onward an upward so I had
thought. To move upward was a figurative thought and to me it meant to
move to a more comfortable position as if this was comfortable and so it
seems that the distance traveled was all in my head. For it must be
because the more I traveled the more obstacles stood in my way from
achieving my goal. The goal, that was the motivation. The motivation was
there to help me achieve the goal but the goal once reached seemed no
longer like a goal at all but more like a milestone. Alas to some day
find the true treasure and what was that treasure to be. For something
would motivate me upon my way, the goal so it be called I suppose was
worth all the effort if it in fact it could be attained. I have for one
have never been satisfied with the end results or for the journey
traveled for which it was obtained. It seemed tedious to me. Far to much
effort for such little reward but unbenounced to me somebody somewhere
was supposedly enjoying it. For who they are I didn't know nor did I
care. I just wanted it to be over and the sooner the better.

was the day when Rome came around full force besieged full forces down.
The war was all started the beginning and end and to lose all the fight
was to lose all the men. Today it all started the fight worth the fight
the mightiest might was the might of the might. I put my own place with
the men and the warriors. I was first inline for the in store of the
the fight and I was the first inline to feel the might of the night. I
wheedled my sword and shield and plunged to my death and this is what I
said with my very last breath. I came as a warrior and I leave as one
too but tonight was the night that my life is all thru. I won many
battles I fought with the best and to lose this battle I'd have to come
to my rest. I besieged many cities I fought long and hard I have
struggled in battles only to lose only yards. I never before went to my
knees and to lose only battles was to lose only to ones fear and I have
never lost ever. As my own life is a true mirror of the truth and the
one who had won because to lose I would have to be done and finished and
I wasn't to this very day. To beat me is to kill me and then only then
can you call it a victory I said to my very last friend. He replied back
to know you is to respect you my friend as the truth is that I've
fought many of men but only to you would I kneel for the art slow to
know you is to fear you only I've come to love you like a brother and
the true end is here it is only to lose you as my friend is my lonely
last fear. As I felt the sword plunge I looked to my left and I saw the
collapse of my lonely last friend. I looked at the night the fight was a
fight and I soon realized my last night was this night. To look upon
the night now I knew only then to believe in ones self you had to
believe it would end. I always believed that it would I always believed
the true truth that to besiege ones fear one had to conquer the notion
that life is a battle up hill or not to lose the battle was to quit the
one fight you couldn't dam stop. I relished the fact that I went out
with a fight and I relished the fact that to this very night I had to
believe that the true end was near to win the fight was to win over
fear. I had beaten it then and to this very day I have conquered my fear
and lived my life full cause without fear holding me hostage I was
free. Free to be me. Free to fight fights and free to be the one person
with the might of the might.

came across her in a clearing she was standing there alone and I knew
she was waiting for someone. I knew who it be she was waiting for too.
She was waiting for me and I was waiting for her to notice I was there. I
cleared my throat loudly and asked if she was alone. She answered not
any more and gazed hard into my eyes. I couldn't have hurt her if I
tried and I knew she knew that. I asked her to come with me for there
was a better spot just up ahead. She nodded and said I'll follow you
anywhere. We set off at a soft pace and looking far beyond I could see
the clearing I had in mind. I asked her if she was afraid of me and she
nodded to the scar on my arm. "What happened? " She asked. I told her
about the battle I'd been in and relayed more than I had ever intended.
she knew where I'd been and that was not comforting for I had killed
many in battle. The scar left a remnant deep in my soul of a scar that
would never be gone. To kill another man was the true sign off a warrior
and I knew I was a fierce a warrior as any. She knew it too and to talk
about it brought turmoil and anguish deep down inside. "So it is for
the glory you battle?" she asked. "No I fight only to survive" I
answered. She cried in my arms as she told me about the friends she had
lost in war and trying to comfort her I had to explain the true meaning
of life. "How can you kill so many" she asked. "To war is not to
discriminate as to who is to die but to kill indiscriminately kill thy
true enemy." I answered. I can understand only love she replied but war
is to err. in my mind. To war is to survival as air is to live I
conveyed. In this world it is to kill or to be killed. This leaves me
with great sorry she stated. I agreed and touched her heart with my
hand. I feel your pain but to live is to die. I know she said and we
both cried. I will live again and the next life shall be less painful I
pray said I. I also she stammered for both of us have known great
displeasure in this life and I for one can stand it no longer. Nor I. I
replied. So we shall go she questioned with her voice and her eyes. So
we shall I replied. We hugged tightly but gently and I could feel the
turmoil as I grasped her throat and squeezed firmly. She slipped into
the unconscious and I being able to stand it no more plunged the blade
deep into my heart. To pass into the beyond is always painful but to
continue a futile existence with much pain and remorse was even more

me it's me and before you go remember what I told you about moving to
slow. You should have sped up you should have moved quick the faster you
move the more life's a trip. The more life's a trip the more you move
fast and after it all you can never go back. I loved life myself. I had
to go through with my head in the clouds and my self on the move. I
thought I would get there I just didn't dam know that the faster you
went the faster it'd go. You should have slowed down you should have
done more for you you should have taken back the things that you do and
went forward more slowly on the longer dam ride and believed me I know
it we both friggen tried to enjoy it but the harder we tried the faster
it went and we both kinda lied if we thought we where getting to where
we getting to. So if you ever did get there please let me know. If I
got there the answer is a big fucking no. I got basically to the place
where everyone go. The end of the end the place they call death and I
knew when I got there like everyone says you could have done if
differently and if you f'n knew you probably would have done it
differently too. Together we made it though through all the past
together we made it let's neither look back. I wouldn't look back cause I
know what I'll do have as many regrets as as many of you. If you say no
regrets to this very day I would honestly say I'm completely dismayed. I
have had so many regrets and as much as that is my life's going on and
I'm only in my 30's still yet.

have but the moment and time to move slow I felt from beyond the time
the time that was gone. From beyond the time passed, the future was
there and not going back from my never now fear, I looked to the future
to make it all clear. It was the belief in oneself that fought only fear
that brought me back to the realm and made every thing clear. The
clearer it was the faster it grew and the life that I known and the
people I knew move beyond distant they where now in the past and the
whole world around me wouldn't' ever come back. I was gone to the after
before the true end I had but one notion one message to send. I am here
to tell you the secret of life don't ever look back and wonder the right
or the wrong cause when you look back at your life it's to strong of a
feeling of moral regrets and feelings of empty things that where there
that just couldn't be and the thought that somewhere somebody would be
judging all me. I came to the conclusion no matter the who I just
couldn't believe the things you could do and the things that you
couldn't believe in your soul that people are real wherever you go.
was walking to the igloo when I saw her. She was a beautiful figure
standing in the dawn sun. I loved her for the moment with my eyes and
knew that the time passed even more slowly than I could have imagined.
We where together for only a months time but I knew who she was more
than I knew anybody of this planet I had met before. I told her things
about myself I wouldn't share with my own soul. I felt her presence deep
and strong and I knew from her own thoughts relayed through her tones
and her expressions that she knew who I was more than I could ever have
told her. To me she was the person that I couldn't ever have found but
she was there some how and I could never have thanked him enough for
what he had given me. A gift of the person who was a person I could
never let go for even the thought of losing that person was to much to
this very day when I see her I feel like the two of us bonded in a way
nobody could. If they ever felt what the two of us felt then they would
know why I love her and the two of us part just wouldn't ever come. As
strong as it was the bond could never be broken not by life not by death
as god has thus spoken.