Saturday, April 9, 2016


Todays fortitudnal fortress
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In the event of a misconception we need to regroup and persuade the persefectic of the manifestation of the mastification of manifestations of perponderance of the beginning of the epidepictal epidepic. In order to do this we need to resemble the resemblance of paasiletic passeletics. Bring forth the hiarchey of hiarchs. There was a time in the nations of greatness that greatness began. In this greatness there was a greater greatness that was great amongst the other greatness. That was the greatest greatness of greatness. If you try to persuade me that there is another liking of likeness that will come forth from the personafication of personifications you will likely realize nothing of that magnitude can happen without the magnitude of magnitudes coming to our rescue. How do we do this? We need to think positively and utmost about the positive of postives and configure the realm to bring forth the  possification of possifications. This will bring us to control all that is within. To do this we need to understand the realm and how it manipulates the outmost realm. In order for this realm to be manipulated there has to ne a manipulating factor. I suspect it is a quasicomial quasicom meaning that the realm controls due to a forensical forensic of utmost memphoritus. In order to control it we need to look at the possibility that all is controlled within the realm from within the outter realm. Who dsoes this is beyond my notion.

There is a questionable question in the thereom of thereoms that explains the liking of likeness Tags: There is a questionable question in the thereom of thereoms that explains the liking
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If anything happens there has to be a reason. In order for it to happen there has to be an element of exasperation that conforms the elements of composital composite. If you think about the realm you would realize there is nothing conforming to our liking at this particular moment. We need to change some things by exasperated exsperations. Aclove is an exasperated aspectial exesperation that will bring about this change. Do something apparantly apparant and exhauset all resources then you will soon find that all resources cannot be exhausted due to the realm in which we live not allowing the exhaustion.
Attention attention a plain old plan of abbrivated abbreviation Tags: Attention attention a plain old plan of abbrivated abbreviation
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If you fonder the memories of familiarity you will under diagnose the procedural procedure of procederance. To look into the past is a further whimsical approach of actuality that will never suffice the actual time in which we reside. Live in the present and prosper the notion of the future. Bring with the notion that in the future all can and will besiege a better quality of qualitative advancements than have taken place in the past. To do so you will soon realize that the notion of quality is odsuffice as the past. Nothing can and will change without an adjustment of prosperous prosper. Nothing there can be given taken or procured without the sentance of sentenialice of procedure. Procede with caution. The future is there but can be managed only to a degree. Until further notice the placekment of procedural procedure will proceed us then all hell will break loose. Be neither here nor there for if found the you will procure their own jurisdiction in advancement of your own demise. Through conquering and reconqueirng they have the asslant asslance of maneuver that can and will come forth in a timely fashion of a notion of procurement as to remain in the stealthyness of stealth as to be expected. I can and will look forward to the herrowing adbvancement due to the actuality that they can and will only advance so far.
Proper placement of the people of the realm Tags: Proper placement of the people of the realm
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I don't look like I want to exceed the perfect placement of places in the place of plactatude but I'm a true person of performance who can perform the plausible placement of people in the realm. They need to be placed within their jurisdiction of prosperity and vast greatness of actual actuality. The place of the Gods and the Pharaohs. The place these people reside is far beneath their standards and need to be lifted to a heightened height of aplattitudinal altitude that has never before been seen. For now we wait but when the time comes things will manifest themselves to the position of extreme naturality of naturalness that will out enhance anything their ever was ever. If you can't stand the wait your one of the many but time is a submit-tale occurrence that is an absolute absolutal rectified rectification that can't be configured.
Time Tags: Time
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Time is the tell tale physics model that allows the distance between to linear points. To tell time is there and does infact exist you must witness the distance between any two points change.If anything changes then time has been a factor. To change time without the physical world is impossible because if nothing changes time can not exist. If I changed time to a quicker pace the physical world would not allow it because time set on a scale like ours is already based on the amount the physical world can react. It is a concrete absolute fundamental that can not vary.If you traveled at the speed of light everything around you would slow cause you are moving at a constant pace with time. Therefore it would seem that less time would pass in actuality you have kept pace with time so everything around you has slowed where as you have actually sped up. The cause of time is based on the fact that to allow something to coexist their has to be some kind of reaction. Therefore time is an absolute must and must exist in every realm throughout the universe. Time and gravity relate by gravity allowing time to basically set its fundamental properties. Everything within gravity works at a certain time within a certain time.
To travel at the speed of light one must become a particle at which one could travel at such a speed. Traveling at the speed of light in our present state will not be possible. Warping the space between two distances is a phenomenon that is possible however crossing from one warped location to another is not possible due to the fact that if you where in a warped area of space you two would become warped.I don't believe it will ever be possible for humans to physically travel outside of our solar system due to the fact that it is much to great a distance. However I do believe that they will be able to communicate with other civilizations in other solar systems through light speed communications. I do in fact believe that the speed of light or there around is the speed mit which all matter can achieve. It will not be possible to travel faster.
The unexpected Tags: The unexpected
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How many people did you expect to expect the unexpected when the unexpected was what was actually what to expect. If you had expected the unexpected you still wouldn't have ever known what was to come because the unexpected was so unexpected you couldn't have ever expected it.
The new world order Tags: The new world order
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There will be a manifestation of the realm in which we live when the world will become a more positive place to reside. When the world does manifest itself people will look to the person in charge and wonder why he has come into power. There will be only one explanation. There was a ruler of facets whom could look to the universe and see the realm for what it was. A place of deliberate decadence that was brought forth by a being of superior intelligence. In order for that realm to have a continual renewal of corvoidance in which it can be controlled there has to be an element of manipulation. This element can bring about the most evolutionary facets of distinguishable difference from even the norm in which we live. Once the element has been completely manipulated to bring forth a new provision, then the world in which we know will alter to the point of preponderance of persuasion of the person who has set forth the dialogue of distinguishable differences, that will evidently make the mark of the seclusion, from which we all have come to now as the normal normality, we have come to expect. Once this happens we will all see the governance of governance under his control. This is to be a new proponent that will be welcome by some and resented by others. Those who resent this have their reasons as do those who look to the changes as a positive. The way you view the undeniable decadence of the new order of control will depend on your own personal placement of diligence in which you where or are placed.
You can't change the daliptatude of time Tags: You can't change the daliptatude of time
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Don't expect the delay of the inevitable to be benounced for certain things can and can't happen. One of the things that can't happen is a positive prospective to come to fruitation with out a guide in which it is to be. You can change the world with a few different dilapatatudes but there is always going to be those certainties which you can't change. Time is one of those.
The vector of the realm of reality Tags: The vector of the realm of reality
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I don't expect to expect the realm of reality is a realm of reality. There has to be something binding everything that's everything together. I expect that to be a plausible contemplation of something that I could never contemplate due to the fact that is beyond my aptitude to comprehend. I do have an understanding to be certain that is a compilation of the way in which the world in which we live tends to work and with this understanding I can understand the the vector of the summarization of this realm is something like a computer simulation that can or can't be manipulated to a degree of certainty that can only be progressed over time with a correspondence of the factor in which time resides.

A lie will bring you to a conclusion of their own choosing
Category: Member Blogs
Tags: A lie will bring you to a conclusion of their own choosing
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There will be a moment when everything becomes clear. In that litterol second all will seem like a finalized contortion of consortium convection. When that happens you will know who is who what is what and everything about them. When this happens look at them as if who they are is who they are. Don't expect to know them for a lie will concisely bring you to a conclusion of their own choosing.
Waitng for thee inevatable Tags: waitng for thee inevatable
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Today was a day that started off on accord of all the rest. I woke up in turmoil and expected a vector of completion but I found myself right where I was, waiting for something to come to fruitation. Eventually everything has to come to be the way it was planned. If things do perfectly perplex to the status of completion then all will manifest to my liking.
Thee answers Tags: thee answers
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If you sequester the amount of people who would look to other people for the answer you would understand that there is a single person who would never look to others for the answer to anything. He would look to himself for all the answers to all of everything he wants to know. If you see this person then you will know this person is a person of power and complete control.
Element of completion Tags: Element of completion
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Anything that can happen happens because an element of completion that has taken place to bring about the elements complete corvoidance with the realm it resides. Once the fraction of completion is brought into existence and placed in the proper place the fraction brings about the life of something that has to come into effect that will bring in a corvoidance with the realm of all that has happened including the effect in which all is real and has come to be. Once the fraction joins the other fractions you have a completion and that completion is the effect of fraction of factions coming into place. Those factions are the world in which we see and the events that take place. In order for us to manipulate those factions we have to either add something or take something away. The same thing that has to occur for any change to take place any where in the universe. If the change that takes place is favorable for you to accept then you may want to leave that faction the way it is. If the change is unfavorable you may want to add something or take something away.
War Tags: war
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War is a dependence fortitude of the political whim of those in need of a restructring of the realm in which they reside. If they feel they have gone far enough down the road of contenation that they have no other oppurtunity other than to fight then war is a neccessary mandate. If you decide to go through war and battle the enemy then you need to have a reasonable out come of sucess in mind. Your gains should be great and your casualties manageable. If you feel you can't manage the casualties of your withstanding then you should reconsider this possibile scenario but in a war fought on the gounds of desperation their can be no loss considered to great to withstand.
You want to try to understand stupid Tags: You want to try to understand stupid
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You want to try to understand stupid? Well then you have to become stupid cause the only thing that is stupidier than a stupid person is th dumb ass that trys to make sense of their stupidty.
True romance Tags: True romance
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If you want to know the reason for a true romance you have to look at the person who loves you. If they seem like an absolute perfect match for you it's a true romance. If they seem a little bit diffrent you are some what compatible. If you can't stand them you have absolutely nothing in common.
To war Tags: To war
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To war is a clamity but to bring it is to seek a contendation that wouldn't ever suffice unless there was an outcome of fortitude. If the outcome is less than gratifying which it usually is then the war itself had no positive survitude unless graciously determined the outcome of the winner that all is to prosper in prosperity of abundance that wouldn't ever  upset either winners nor losers. That is why all wars are fought to the death or the unconditional surrender of at least one of the participating parties. There will be no conclusion of surrender unless there is a complete abidence of the winners terms. If you wish to war with people you have to understand that this is the outcome that will most likely occur. When I war with an opponant I don't have to kill you as much as I have to persuade you to give up your fight and let myself make the commandments of which to honor. If those commandments aren't honered then we will continue to battle until you have either taken my commandments as law or you are to kill me. I myself won't ever surrender due to the fact to follow the laws of others only brings me to a place of condemnation and immotional turmoil that I myself can't stand to bear. Those that say this is pig headed or stubborn have only to understand that if you give in to the terms of others you will forever be subject to any future terms they wish to incorporate. This is the type of open ended agreement you make whenever you agree to abide by the laws of a party who doesn't always have your best interest in mind. This is usally realized to late by a surrendering proponet and they often wish they had to continued to fight for the terms of surrender are always modified to suit the wants and needs of the winner. If you find yourself on the losing end of a battle don't ever surrender without making sure that the terms are guaranteed if you can do so but how to guarantee them is the question. If you get a guarantee then you need to take some insurance that they stick to their word. This is always and ever completely impossible in a world in which you have nothing to offer and they have nothing to lose. I you want my opinion then the world will continue to be what it is and has always been. A world where the powerful rule for as long as they can, take what they want and continue to pacify the losers with as what little they can. Never underestimate the greed and the lust for power of the ruling party. For as long as they can they will triumph with such vast greatness that people will forever realize that they and they alone where the ruling party. If you happen to become the ruling party through dilligence and forthcoming advancements don't hesitate to take what is yours for it belongs to you for your strength your courage and your bravery. If you should be a losing party don't hesitate to realize you lost. Take what is given to you and ask for nothing.
To resign Tags: To resign
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The place is a place of resignation when all sides resigned to become a place of alternative forebearance. This is the place we need to be. No more fighting no more quarling over who's in charge. There has to be one supreme ruler. For this to happen there has to be one person who can steer the others in a single direction.
Times at a stand still Tags: Times at a stand still
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There won't be a moment that I can recall that will bring this period of anxiety to a final end. The truth is that the further along I go the longer it seems I have to wait. Eventually I know it's coming but time is completely at a stand still.
The World Ruler Tags: The World Ruler
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They will wonder who I am longer after I'm gone but the legend will live on. They will speak of me and ask the person was this person. For he is the person who was the person who was the person. Long live the legend. Long live the forever tale of the one peron who would conquer all and be the one undisputed ruler in all of history. The story will live forever but the man could only live his life as short as that was he definately made his mark. Threaten him if you wish for all will come to know him as their ruler. For the good and the bad their is nobody who could tell him how to live. His life was completely his own to do entirly as he wished. Lets hope he makes some good decisions.
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